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Study on the Antidiabetic Effect of Capsaicin

1. Experimental study on hypoglycemic effect of capsaicin

A large number of animal experiments have shown that capsaicin powder has a significant anti-diabetic effect, which is mainly reflected in the aspects of capsaicin improving islet cells, promoting insulin secretion and reducing blood sugar levels. The researchers studied the effect of capsaicin on blood sugar, plasma insulin and insulin receptors, and the results showed that capsaicin can promote insulin secretion and reduce blood sugar levels in dogs by increasing their plasma insulin levels. The study found that a certain amount of capsaicin and caffeine were added to the diet to act on obese/diabetic mice. After 28 days of feeding, it was found that the blood sugar level of the diabetic mice was significantly lower than that of the control group (diabetes model group), and was comparable to coffee. Because of its synergistic hypoglycemic effect.

Due to the unique pungent functional group of chilli capsaicin, its pungent properties greatly limit its application range and dosage. Some scholars have found a capsaicin analogue (capsaicinoid), which is isolated from Japanese sweet pepper (CH-19) and does not contain spicy ingredients. Its biological activity and molecular structure are similar to capsaicin, and animal experiments have shown that it It can not only activate TRPV1, but also have significant effects in reducing lipids and weight loss, promoting energy metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Its cytotoxicity is lower than that of capsaicin, and it does not contain spicy groups. Related studies have also comprehensively assessed whether capsaicinoids have the potential to replace capsaicin. In conclusion, capsaicin has the functions of increasing insulin secretion, improving glucose metabolism and insulin resistance, and has a significant hypoglycemic effect, and can increase the hypoglycemic activity of gliclazide, indicating that capsaicin has the potential to become an adjuvant of hypoglycemic drugs.

2. Clinical research on hypoglycemic effect of capsaicin

With the in-depth research on capsaicin powder, clinical trials related to it have been carried out one after another. Many scholars have paid attention to the potential effects of capsaicin on insulin and glucagon levels in healthy people. The researchers studied the effect of capsaicin-containing meals on serum insulin, C-peptide in healthy subjects, and the results showed that regular consumption of chili peppers can reduce postprandial hyperinsulinemia. A clinical trial was also conducted on healthy male volunteers with an oral glucose tolerance test. The results showed that the blood glucose level of the volunteers was significantly lower than that of the placebo group (blank control group) at 30 and 45 min, and the insulin level was significantly increased at 60, 75, 105 and 120 min, and indicated that all the chili peppers contained in 5 g. The amount of capsaicin contained is equivalent to the hypoglycemic effect of equivalent insulin, and it is more clear that capsaicin has the effect of promoting insulin secretion and lowering blood sugar, and ingesting capsaicin-rich peppers has an effect on postprandial hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus. Both blood sugar and fasting lipid disorders were improved, which could reduce the incidence of neonatal morbidity in the late pregnancy.

Low-dose chilli capsaicin can stimulate the absorption of glucose from the gastrointestinal tract in healthy subjects by conducting nerve stimulation and promote glucose absorption. Conclusions that capsaicin can increase postprandial blood glucose and glucagon concentrations in healthy subjects, which is contrary to the idea that capsaicin has hypoglycemic effect. Capsaicin does not increase insulin levels in healthy subjects, but has positive ameliorating and therapeutic effects in patients with diabetes and related complications.

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