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Uses and Precautions of Aluminum Powder

Aluminum powder, commonly known as "silver powder", is a silver metallic pigment. It is made by adding a small amount of lubricant to pure aluminum foil, crushing it into a scaly powder, and then polishing it. The aluminum powder is light in weight, has high floating power, strong hiding power, and has good reflectivity to light and heat. After treatment, it can also become non-floating aluminum powder. Aluminum powder can be used to identify fingerprints and can also be used as fireworks. Aluminum powder is a large category of metal pigments due to its wide use, large demand, and variety.

1. Physical and chemical properties and uses of aluminum powder

Odorless. Silver-white metal powder, spontaneous combustion temperature: 5900℃, lower limit of dust explosion: 40g/m3. Used to make: paints, inks, pigments and fireworks. It can also be used as an additive to porous concrete. Al powder can also be used as therapeutic and medical supplies, in addition to being used in the automotive and aircraft industries.

The product is non-toxic and has a pulmonary fibrosis effect on the respiratory tract. Maximum allowable concentration: 4mg/m3.

2. The impact of aluminum powder exposure

Short-term inhalation: High concentrations of dust can irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Eye contact: Small dust particles are generally not irritating, while large dust particles will have some frictional irritation. Oral: The dose that enters the oral cavity normally in the workplace has no toxic reaction. Swallowing a large amount of dust will have frictional irritation to the stomach.

Long-term or repeated exposure can cause fibrosis of the lung tissue and aluminum pneumoconiosis. Symptoms include: cough, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, and lethargy. Symptoms similar to asthma have appeared before.

3. Aluminum powder explosion and chemical reaction

The product is combustible, and the fine powder and air can form an inflammable and explosive mixture. The fire source can be isolated and let it burn out. Use yellow sand, talc, and sodium chloride to extinguish small fires. No water is allowed.

Do not touch dilute acid or strong alkali. A large amount of dust will naturally heat up when it is damp. The mixture of aluminum powder and other metal oxides will react violently or catch fire when exposed to fire. Mixing with halogen elements can cause fire. It will react explosively when heated or rubbed with halogenated hydrocarbons.

4. Personal protection and first aid with aluminum powder

If the dust concentration is unknown or exceeds the exposure limit, wear a Class I dust mask. To prevent excessive dust deposition or friction, use gloves, work clothes, and work shoes. Eyes: Wear chemical safety glasses.

Inhalation: If irritation occurs, open the eyelids and wash the affected eye with saline or lukewarm slow running water for at least 10 minutes. Skin contact: If irritation occurs, wipe off or wipe off the excess aluminum powder gently. Oral: Do not induce vomiting. Give the patient about 250 ml of water. All patients should be treated by a doctor.

5. Storage and transportation of aluminum powder

Observe the rules for the storage and transportation of flammable substances. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place to avoid dust generation.

Only trained personnel can be engaged in the cleaning of aluminum powder. Ensure that good ventilation equipment is provided. Use good protective clothing and respirators. Do not touch the scattered objects, shovel it into a clean, dry, labeled container and cover it, and rinse the site with water.

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